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Saturation Lists

Targeted Saturation Data

To achieve Saturation rates, the postal service only requires you to mail to 75% of all records, or 90% of the consumer records (whichever is less). So why waste postage sending to household that can't afford your client's product or service, or households where the minimum age is 80+.

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Occupant and OccuName

With our Response Boosters, we overlay the Occupant Database with a Consumer one, to determine which household incomes are in the lowest 4% of a zip, and which ones have a minimum age of 80 years old. Leaving off the worst prospects allows a mailing to perform better.

Database of every known address in the country verified by the U.S. Postal Service.

Highlights: Ultra clean database which has few simplifieds and limits the counts in convalescent homes and certain high rises to reduce wasted postage. Can select by CRRT demographics for better targeting.

Included Selects:
Median CRRT Income
Median CRRT Age
Median CRRT Home Value
% of Households in a CRRT with Children
% of Households of particular ethnicities
% of Households of particular length of residence

Enhanced Occupant & OccuName

Income, child presence, age and gender output

Same saturation database with anti-targeting capabilities based on age and income criteria.

Description: Database of every known address in the country verified by the U.S. Postal Service.

Highlights: It's a normal Occupant file overlaid with a Consumer file allowing users to suppress specific households by age and income as well as output up to seven consumer lists.

Included Selects:
Median CRRT Income
Median CRRT Age
Median CRRT Home Value
% of Households in a CRRT with Children
% of Households of particular ethnicities
% of Households of a particular length of residence

Household Level Removals:
Prioritize by Consumer Income
Prioritize by Consumer Age

Household Income
Presence of Children
Marital Status

Names, where available (extra cost)
Birth Month

Apartment & Condo Extracts

Contains the complex name and # of units

Description: Database of every known apartment, condo, and townhouse address in the country, verified by the U.S. Postal Service.

Highlights: Unlike the regular Occupant database, this database contains the name of every complex and the number of units inside. It also classifies if the address is an Apartment or a Condo/Townhouse.

Included Selects:
Apartment / Condo indicator
Demographics when available

Drive-time Radius: gathers prospects who can most easily reach a destination. Polygon mapping technology lets users draw their geography; great for designating franchise territories as well as selecting areas required by city ordinances.

Carrier Route Targeting: from average income in a carrier route to median age, home value, length of residence, even % of ethnicity in a carrier route.


Data Quality: our customers receive only the best. For instance, retirement homes where the postal service may call for 100 or more address drops, we limit our drops to 20 – the number of people we have found, able and willing to respond.

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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

We are passionate about our marketing. We've seen it all in our 46 years - companies come and go but the businesses that are consistent, steady, and have a goal are the companies that succeed. We work with you to keep you on track, change with new technologies and business strategies, and, most importantly, help you to succeed. It's not always easy, and it's a lot of hard work but the rewards are well worth the effort. 

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