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Your Money, Your Future: Essential Tips for Financial Well-Being

Writer's picture: Barb FerrignoBarb Ferrigno

Money is something that helps you keep a roof over your head and live a reasonable lifestyle. It's also something that can disappear quickly if you don't keep an eye on it. Creating a budget and a financial plan helps you control your spending, identify your financial goals, and create a cushion for a stable financial future.

Saving for your future is something that takes work, and you may have to give up some buying habits. But sacrificing now means you can live a good life in the years to come because you made the conscious decision to make responsible spending and saving decisions. Here are some tips to help you build a stable financial foundation that you can build upon for a bright future.

Stay Within Your Means by Creating a Budget

Creating a budget is one of the most common pieces of advice you'll get when it comes to building financial security, and for good reason. The budget shows you how much money you have with each paycheck, your recurring bills, miscellaneous expenditures, and what's left after you've paid everything off. Your money is turned into a solid concept with limits that you have to stay within to avoid going broke.

The goal of a budget is to make sure you have enough in the way of funds to pay your bills, figure out how much you can spend on extras, and set the rest aside for savings. You can alter how much you put towards your line items as needed, but as long as you keep the numbers consistent with your income, you'll easily maintain your financial comfort zone.

Start Saving Today Instead of Tomorrow

Your personal wealth can grow nicely over time as long as you give it a chance by putting money aside with regularity. That means you need to start saving something today instead of putting it off. Time is the key to growing a financial cushion due to various factors that help you grow your money.

For example, you have a certificate of deposit with a 4% interest rate paid out over two years' time on an initial deposit of $500. At the end of two years, you'll have a balance of $540.80. The more you save, the more you earn in passive income from a variety of investment vehicles over time. This is why it's important to start saving as soon as you can.

Track Your Spending Closely

Have you ever gone out for a night on the town, only to discover you spent more than you thought? It's something that happens on occasion to most people, but if you make this a habit, you're going to run into financial problems in a short time. There are many variations on this scenario as well as the services or goods you like to spend your money on.

The core of the issue is the fact that you need to take a good look at your spending, figure out how much you spend on average, and make an effort to slow down. It can be difficult to give up the spending habit, especially because it's something that brings you pleasure. However, if you want to have financial stability, you have to start asking yourself what you spend your money on.

Find Ways to Spend Less on Needs and Wants

Needs are items that you require to live your life and be comfortable, while wants are items that are things you don't need but desire to own. Both of these categories can eat away at your budget, especially if you buy higher-priced items. However, inflation has increased their cost, which also impacts your budget. As a result, you need to figure out how to buy what you need and want while spending less.

Being frugal doesn't mean you have to go without so much as you need to be more discerning. Start by identifying what you need on a regular basis, and the wants you're after for a little luxury. For your needs, look for comparable items that don't cost as much, but still deliver satisfaction. When it comes to your wants, look for annual sales, ask if something will be discounted in the future, or wait for it to go on clearance. The same goes for buying a car, a luxury good, or appliances.

Resist the Urge to Use Your Credit Cards

Credit cards are a convenience that makes it easier to stretch your income, but the cards have high rates of interest that are burdensome. If you can't pay off most or all of your charge balance every month, you're going to pay a lot of interest. That's money you can't get back, ever, and it can negatively impact your ability to generate financial security.

Ask yourself if you really need to use your card to pay for a purchase. In the event the purchase is a need, try to charge as little as possible on your card, then pay off the balance as soon as possible. For something you want, but don't need, keep the card in your wallet and find another way to make the purchase. Instant gratification is nice, but it becomes costly when you buy something that doesn't make a major difference in your life.

Check Your Recurring Payments to Save Money

Automating your bill payments helps you keep them paid with little thought, but some of those bills can creep up if you don't pay attention to them. Your internet and TV package is prone to price increases over time, as is car insurance. In these cases and others like them, you can make good use of your time by shopping around for a better price, especially if you live where there's a lot of competition for customers.

Go over your bills with a fine-tooth comb to learn if there are charges for things you don't use, and if discounts are available. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to make a call or go online to eliminate the charges and get a discount applied. These small savings add up while putting money back in your pocket that you can put to good use for yourself.

Prioritizing Your Financial Well-Being Makes Life Easier

Earning money is a reward for the efforts you give to your employer, and you need to use it wisely so you can enjoy the fruit of your labor. Make time to sit down and examine what it is you want out of life, then figure out how to make those desires and goals happen. Your financial well-being is what make your dreams come true, so take a good look at how you can put your money to work.

There's no time like the present to get a handle on your fiscal situation. Putting your money into growth vehicles today results in financial stability in the years to come.

Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends. 


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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

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