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Using AI to Change the Game

AI continues to evolve, and there are more tools available than ever.  So let's learn what we can do to improve our events by hearing from one of the top experts in the industry!  Proud to have join me Anca Trifan of Tree-Fan Events to discuss everything AI and events!We also discuss:

  • How is AI changing the game when it comes to corporate events?

  • How can AI-driven insights and analytics be used?

  • What is Anca hearing or seeing about meetings becoming more inclusive?

  • What new trends are appearing?

  • And more!

CLICK HERE to Watch my interview with Anca Trifan! - and read the show notes in the video description.If you'd rather listen, here's the audio version!

-------------------AND...if you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel, please head over and do that!  And check out some of the videos there while you're at it.  -------------------LASTLY...Did you know you can book a free 15-minute brainstorming session with me?  (It's true!)  I call it a Discovery Call and you can find out more and book your time here - Book Your Discovery Call!!

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