by Louie Bischoff
My 1st babysitting experience taught me a valuable lesson. I was 12 & was watching a family friend’s 4yr old, while the parents went on a date. I, a responsible 12-year-old, was ready for this challenge! The first few hours were a breeze… Until dinner time rolled around. The parents had a specific meal for me to prepare for their child. It was a very age-appropriate choice: mac & cheese with chicken nuggets on the side! The child, on the other hand, wanted NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! I tried to “sell” the kid on the mac & cheese/chicken nuggets combo by saying that it was ‘so delicious’, it was ‘magical food & will give you superpowers’… I tried EVERYTHING, but still no movement to eat! So, I started offering alternatives that I thought kids their age would like instead of the mac & cheese/chicken nuggets meal. Me: How about PB&J? Kid: No. Me: How about Spaghetti O’s? Kid: No. Me: How about oatmeal? Kid: No. Everything that I suggested was a ‘no’. New Strategy! Me: What do YOU want to eat? Kid: Broccoli. Broccoli with ranch. I WAS NOT expecting that response - the broccoli & ranch were put on the table; the mac & cheese/ chicken nuggets combo was put away in the fridge….the rest of the night went fantastically & the parents had me babysit for them for the next 2 years! What did I learn? JUST ASK PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! In your business, what exactly does your audience want from your video content? Just ask them! By keeping your audience at the forefront of your brand’s VIDEO CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY is a great way to ensure you meet their needs. You’ll be a video content pro in NO TIME! With that being said, let's chat & brainstorm together on your video strategy & get you more sales, leads, and conversions! Click the button to schedule your FREE strategy session. Chatting together is an opportunity for you to get 1x1 customized assistance specific to YOUR BUSINESS needs. Schedule a FREE strategy call w/me and you WILL HAVE 3-4 actions that you can take IMMEDIATELY to begin getting more sales, leads and conversions for your business. Also, our 4-video done-for-you video package is 50% off. Next Right Thing Marketing Solutions Summer Video Package is 50% OFF!
Louie Bischoff - Owner Louie lives in the Phoenix, AZ area. She has had the opportunity to work directly with Facebook/Instagram in their SMB Advertising Area - where she learned many tips & tricks to make the 'algorithm your friend' for ads!! She has had her own marketing business with small business clients located throughout the world on and off since 2006, with an emphasis on Social Media Marketing and Marketing Strategy, Louie has her MBA in International Marketing from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Prior to focusing on Digital Advertising, she built a career in the consumer product industry as a Product Manager. Louie was an award-winning adjunct faculty member at Thunderbird Graduate School where she has taught Business Communication/ Business Writing classes. She also lived overseas in Taipei, Taiwan for six years while teaching business communications with international companies. In addition to her MBA in International Management, she has her BA in Broadcast Journalism/English (minor) from the University of Arizona. Louie has two teenage sons.