Ep 115 – The 100 Percent Rule – Take Your Events to the Next Level
Introducing the 100% rule. This is something that can have a huge impact on our Life and our Trade Shows. If you can get your team, and yourself to follow the 100% rule, you will notice a huge improvement in your results. I absolutely guarantee it!
Okay – now let’s talk about the 100% Rule.
This may be a bit controversial. There is no such thing as a balanced life. That is a false ideal.
Anyone who has a newborn knows this. They demand more of your time. It’s just that simple.
And how about when we have to travel to work a trade show? Unless your spouse or partner comes with you, pretty hard to have balance when you’re out of town for a few days.
In marriage, it’s not 50/50. It’s 100/100. Same in the family. We have always had the rule of no phones at the dinner table. We’re here together, let’s talk. Let’s find out about each other’s day. Keep communication strong. Be 100% at the moment there with each other.
That’s why I call this the 100% rule. In whatever you’re doing, be in 100%.
For business, our jobs, and of course for Trade Shows you have to have the exact same mindset
So how does the 100% rule play out in our trade shows, conferences, and events?
Know why you are there – to build relationships, get leads, write orders – and hit your goals!
Be there 100% while the show is going on
Put your phone away
Be active. Engage with attendees.
Go to the networking events, and really network
Play full out! When that show is over, it’s over. The time for creating opportunities is over. You can only follow up with the people you connected with. If you don’t have a big list that lights you up, then that’s on you. You don’t have the opportunity to go back and engage with the attendees who walked right by your booth. You can’t meet that potential client at the networking event because you chose to skip it to go out for a night on the town.
o You want to maximize your results? Do you want to double your leads? Do you want to make more money? Live by the 100% rule. Be all in and take advantage of every opportunity you can!
I hope this episode helped! Let me know! Drop me an email or a message on LinkedIn
Connect with host Jim Cermak:
Email: jim@tradeshowu.biz
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimcermak/
About the author, Jim Jim Cermak has over 25 years of marketing, consulting, and training experience, and has planned and worked hundreds of Trade Shows. He gets a little overly excited about Trade Shows, and puts that passion into helping companies get better results!