"Jim, How do I pick the right trade show?"
This is a question I get all the time from small businesses who have not done a show before, and even larger businesses who have done some but have had results far below expectations. It's a great question because there's so much to consider! In fact there are 7 key things you need to consider and research before making that important investment into your next trade show. So if you...-- Are brand new to Trade Shows-- Have been getting results below what you were expecting-- Are unsure if you made the right choice
There is a video I made that you NEED to watch! Take the time to invest in watching this brief video. It will help put you at the right show in front of the right audience... YOUR Ideal Target Audience! Watch here: How to Pick the Right Trade Show Then comment on the video to let me know how it helped you! (And please SUBSCRIBE to my channel!!)------------------------In other news...in case you missed it...I need your help and your input on how we can create the best resource possible for getting More Leads, Sales & Profits.
==> EXHIBITORS -- Here's the link to take the survey - https://forms.gle/P9QSxiQRJKHGTtQF6
-- Here's the link to your Survey - https://forms.gle/fCk3uTSzNeWUMfpi7No matter who you are...I appreciate you!!!
PLEASE FORWARD THIS Survey to a colleague! Thanks in advance for your help! Super excited for this journey together to More Leads, Sales & Profits! Jim
Jim CermakHost & Trade Show Coach jim@tradeshowu.biz