It goes without saying that mobile is everywhere nowadays. 75% of internet use for 2017 has been predicted to be mobile, with millennials largely driving the market. These clever and engaged users are the first generation of truly digital natives, so they are helping define the ways in which mobile devices are used for marketing. People are more connected than ever, using their devices for tasks as diverse as reading emails, responding to ads, social media, accessing websites, and reviewing directory listings (like Yelp, Open Table, etc.).
In recent reporting, Forrester found that about 30% of online sales are made with smartphones, with m-commerce growing by 65% in 2016, up over 2015’s 54%. With findings like this, it would be foolish for integrated marketers not to consider the benefits of capturing clients’ mobile phone numbers and determining how best to use that information.
Mobile-Specific Campaigns For mobile outreach, consider some mobile-specific campaigns; send targeted text or SMS messages, take advantage of location-based marketing to build engagement, or provide opt-in opportunities for mobile alerts, promo codes, coupons, and digital loyalty programs. A word to the wise: when using any of these methods, be absolutely sure that your site is mobile-optimized. There is no faster way to lose a prospect than sending them to a non-responsive site!
Mobile Customers Also Purchase Offline According to Retail Dive, more than 65% of consumers digitally browse items before visiting physical stores to buy. This pre-purchase mobile research has become a critical part of the customer’s purchase journey—how can you disrupt or insert your business into that process? One of the most effective strategies is to provide information that your competition is not – be there, be useful and be fast. Mobile Calling We all have our phones on us at all times now, so how can you use mobile calling to get your prospects’ attention? Salesforce found that phone calls are more effective than email for determining your customers’ pain points and offering the ideal solution that they need at that moment. While this audience is on-the-go, they are also constantly on their phones, and may make for a good captive audience for your well-honed outreach call. Also look into click-to-call. This is the inclusion of your company’s phone number in online advertising or PPC, allowing customers to instantly connect with you at the touch of a button.
As with any other form of outreach, integrated marketers should be strategic and carefully consider how to use mobile technology to effectively reach prospects. For instance, the question of whether mobile devices are ‘fair game’ remains hotly contested, so consider these best practices for when it is okay to use a prospect’s mobile number:
If their business card or email includes their mobile number in the signature.
If their voicemail encourages reaching them on their mobile.
If the client relationship is well-developed.
If it is the only number provided for that contact.
If an administrative person in the office provides the number.
Always be respectful of the local time at the person’s home base.