Jim Cermak Tradeshowu.biz
Are you maxing out your Google Business Profile? Formerly known as Google My Business, your Google Business Profile can be a powerful tool for helping bring visibility to your next Trade Show or Event...as long as you have the right strategy! Helping shine a light on the potential of Google Business Profiles and sharing strategies is Heather Taylor. Heather is the Boss Lady and Social Media Chick with GlitterGirl Media, a boutique social media marketing firm that helps business owners find new, creative, and engaging ways to market their products and/or services to their target audiences via social media.
We discuss:
How important is it to have a Google Business Profile?
How does the listing benefit a business?
How to Claim your Google Business Profile
How to fully optimize your listing
Why you should be active on Google to drive your ranking
And so much more!
Check it Out!! Episode 140 - How to use Google Business Profiles Be sure to check out Heather's previous episode on Trade Show U: Ep 023 - LinkedIn Mastery Jim's Pro Trade Show Tip #133
Stay in the Host Hotel
Larger shows that are multiple days typically have a "Host" hotel. This hotel may have registration, is typically the closest to the event - or may be hosting the event - and offers a special room rate. Because of this most attendees and exhibitors stay there.
However, it can often be expensive and those on a budget often look for less expensive accommodations. This can be a big mistake!
With all the buzz and activity at the host hotel, there are constant networking opportunities just by walking through the lobby or being in an elevator and seeing people wearing their show name badge. Plus you save time and/or money not having to walk or drive from a further hotel location.