Is there something you would like to change or improve in your life? Do you have any pending dreams to fulfill? Do you aspire to a better job or to start a business? Whatever your desires, we want to remind you that all people have the potential and the necessary capacity to fulfill their purposes, it is just a matter of focusing.
It is curious that we often know the mission and business vision of brands or institutions, but we rarely take the time to ask ourselves what is ours. Knowing your mission and your vision will have benefits for your personal, work, and professional development.
What is the personal mission and vision?
They are a series of statements that determine the purposes of a person in all areas of his life. This statement serves to guide your path in life according to your own desires, abilities, habits, and attitudes. The mission is focused on the present, while the vision addresses the future.
In some cases, the mission can be confused with the objectives, but the truth is that the mission goes further. It is closely linked to dreams, ways of thinking, interests, personality, and values. In turn, it involves personal, family, work, and environmental relationships. It implies giving meaning to what you do every day and remembering what your main motivations are.
For its part, vision is the ambition to grow and project itself in the medium and long term. This is the part that is planned to achieve what you want, which also helps you reflect on what you will do in a few years to get to the place you have imagined with such longing. The vision is your desire to achieve success and focus on the future in a positive way.
Why is it important to develop a personal mission and vision?
Specifically, the personal mission statement indicates where you are and the vision reveals where you want to go. Setting these two criteria helps you make better decisions and thus directs your efforts toward what you really want. In turn, you get a broad perspective about the requirements, actions, and learning that you need to achieve it.
Outlining your mission and vision does not give you total certainty that you are going to achieve it, that is clear, but it definitely guides you to get down to work and get what you want. Having a plan is knowing that you are going in one direction and that things will happen that may slow you down, but that will not make you lose your way.
It is extremely important to do these introspection exercises for your personal and professional development, as well as your psychological well-being. It is not the best option to walk in automatic mode, allowing circumstances and other people to be in control of your own life.
How to make a personal mission and vision?
Make a personal definition.
Establish what your values are.
Specify the reason for what you do.
Detail what you are passionate about.
Define what you want to achieve.
Write the sentences.
1. Make a personal definition
First, ask yourself how you consider yourself and how you would describe yourself today as a person. From there, try not to underestimate yourself and list five of your most notable strengths. On the other hand, recognize the aspects that you would like to change. Also, examine how you feel about your professional life, how are your interpersonal relationships and the place where you live. These answers are completely from and for you, so do not limit yourself in this process and take as much time as necessary.
2. Establish what your values are
Without exception, the most admirable people are those who are governed by values and are faithful to them throughout their lives. Fixing which are the essentials for you will contribute to making your words and your actions coherent; therefore, the people around you will trust you more. And, don't worry, it is not necessary to prepare a scroll with all the values that exist; Just make a list of the ten that are fundamental to you, the first ones that come to mind, and from there choose the two or three most precious.
3. Specify the reason for what you do
In this step, you will expose what is your reason for being at this time. You can use questions such as: why am I doing this job?, why am I studying this degree?, why am I taking this course? as well as review the decisions and actions that you have taken so far, and that have helped you to feel fulfillment and motivation in your daily life. These issues are intrinsically related to your current life mission.
4. Detail what you are passionate about
Sometimes we are aware of the things we genuinely enjoy doing and sometimes we are not. To help you find activities you love, you can ask yourself: what could I do for a long time without getting bored? What do I do it seems that time flies by peacefully. What was exciting to do a few years ago? In the same way, to start developing your talent in new areas, it is worth asking yourself: what could I do if I had all my needs (physiological, economic, and emotional) covered?
5. Define what you want to achieve
Once you have analyzed your current life, it is time for you to visualize how you want it to be in a few years, be it 5, 10, or more. It is crucial that you are accurate in this regard, as well as being impartial and reasonable.
Define if you will follow the same path that you have traveled up to now or if you want to change course; This is a decision that will be easy for you to make after having thought about the previous aspects. Consider that the most important thing is if you feel motivated and fulfilled today.
6. Write the sentences
After answering these questions, write down your personal purposes, either in a notebook or in any place where you have them present. In the mission part, add a descriptive phrase that reflects the meaning of your life based on your values and greatest passions. For its part, the vision explains the direction you want to follow in the future. It is recommended that it be a short paragraph; the clearer and more concise, the better.
Now, let's look at some examples to make it clearer how each statement would look.
5 examples of mission and personal vision
1. Mission and vision of a future marketing specialist
My mission is to keep my personal and family life in harmony. In the same way, I focus on learning everything related to marketing, creativity, and the forms of digital advertising that exist to empower brands and help them grow.
My vision is to be the best version of myself and a benchmark in the world of marketing to develop personally and professionally.
2. Mission and vision of an entrepreneur
Mission: I try to have a balanced life. I am fully committed to contributing my knowledge in water sanitation and purification to offer people a more accessible option for this vital element.
Vision: In turn, I hope that my work positively influences society regarding the responsible consumption of the valuable resources that the planet offers us.
3. Mission and vision of the manager of a company
Mission: I am always taking care of my family, it is the most important thing for me and that is not going to change. I put all my experience, knowledge, and skills so that the company drives its growth, which in turn is beneficial for all. I will do my best and I will see that the operation of the company is perfected and labor relations are totally ethical.
Vision: I see myself being a responsible figure for my family and ascending in my work towards a position of greater leadership, in order to offer my experience to the new generations
4. Mission and vision of an architect
My mission is to create works and materialize dreams for my clients, not without leaving aside the aesthetic sense of the interiors. I want to position myself as an architect who stands out for her minimalist, functional, and elegant style.
My vision is to be an internationally recognized architect who establishes a whole trend in architecture.
5. Mission and vision of a chef
Mission: I have the job of my dreams, every day I wake up with the firm conviction of preparing dishes that give people more than life. It is my pleasure to share my skills and knowledge with everyone in the kitchen.
Vision: I love creating new recipes and I would love to become a benchmark for haute cuisine in my country and for my recipes to gain international recognition.