Green marketing has been part of the many strategies that brands, companies and businesses employ to keep their customers and attract new ones for many years already. With the increasing problems created by climate change as well as pollution and deforestation, citizens around the world expect more from the providers of products and services that they buy from. Having understood this request from the mass, companies have adapted by integrating green marketing to their global strategy. Here is how they do it and why they do so.
Green Marketing Takes on Many Forms
As it developed, companies started getting wiser on the power of this strategy. You can look at these green marketing examples to discover how intelligent and inspiring businesses can be when they integrate this type of marketing. The most notable part of green marketing takes place in branding and advertising. The reason is simple: If they don't talk to the public about their efforts to become a more sustainable entity, no one will ever know.
Customers are looking to buy products from environmentally friendly brands. If they hear about their commitment to sustainability through an advertising campaign, it is possible that environmentally conscious customers will decide to change their habit and buy from them in the future. At the very least, it will offer them the benefit of keeping their current customers who could have moved on to their competitors had they not heard about their green efforts through the advertising campaign.
Branding is an art in itself. When a product is produced, they are not necessarily more adapted for a particular crowd or even to an age group. It is through branding campaigns that companies manage to define the image of their product in such a way that the majority of people start believing that it is the most distinctive item of a generation or that it was made for a given group. Green marketing is also part of branding. If a company can convince consumers that they are the greenest brand in their industry sector, a large part of the population will believe it. In truth, they just might be more proactive in advertising their green side than others. However, whatever they pretend in regards to being sustainable and environmentally friendly has to be true.
Green Marketing Starts Before an Advertising Campaign Rolls Out
In order to be able to create a green marketing campaign, a company needs to make decisions a long time ahead. It starts at the product development level, where they can incorporate sustainable materials or add eco-friendly features to their products. These changes are carefully thought to appeal to environmentally conscious customers, so they can gain an advantage over their competitors. But to win this image war, they will require a green marketing campaign to be launched, to inform consumers about these environmentally friendly changes that they have applied to their products.
This is only the first step in a series of changes that they may decide to make. It can also apply to operations and supply chain. In this case, the company can modify its equipment to choose one that is more energy-efficient. It may also imply adding natural sources of energy, such as installing solar panels over their buildings. A waste reduction program and sustainable sourcing of raw materials is often a great way to attract consumers who are looking for greener brands, as well. Again, all these modifications will only bring in more revenues from the moment that they are divulged through green marketing.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an Important Part of Green Marketing
You may have heard about the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) before. It is a business practice created for companies who want to take responsibility for their social, economic and environmental impact. It also includes ethical business. This proves that their supply chain is free from unethical practices, such as forced labor and child labor, while adhering to fair labor standards.
In terms of environmental sustainability, it often refers to the desire of a business or brand to reduce its carbon footprint and promote said sustainability. This can include reducing waste, using renewable energy and sourcing materials from responsible suppliers.
Writing about Corporate Social Responsibility without mentioning the social element, would certainly be missing the point. Companies engage in social initiatives that improve the well-being of employees, communities and other stakeholders. They do so by providing job opportunities to marginalized groups, by supporting local charities and non-profits and by offering training and development programs to their employees.
These are all elements that benefit the company in the eyes of consumers who buy according to their values and it is part of green marketing. It plays the transparency card, in a way that their CSR practices can be open for all to see, which is the main objective of green marketing.
Why Companies Integrate Green Marketing Into Their Business Strategies
Clearly, integrating green marketing into their global strategy provides companies and businesses a competitive advantage. Their hope is that by adopting eco-friendly practices, they will differentiate themselves from their competitors and appeal to environmentally conscious customers. It is also true that companies that decide to become sustainable enhance their reputation in the eyes of consumers. By agreeing to take on their responsibility and become a more environmentally friendly entity, they also attract new investors.
What is often less talked about, is the fact that these changes that companies undertake can also be cost savings. For example, if they start using energy-efficient equipment, it can reduce their energy bill significantly. Also, implementing waste reduction programs can reduce landfill fees. In other words, entering into green marketing is often a win-win situation for companies and businesses. Not to mention that they do have to comply with government regulations around environmental sustainability anyway.
Let's conclude by insisting on the fact that integrating green marketing into their global strategy can benefit companies by enhancing their competitive advantage and reputation. All the while they also enjoy cost savings, while ensuring to meet regulatory requirements.