by Jim Cermak TradeShowU.biz Do you know the difference between Demand Generation (regarding generating leads using marketing) and Lead Generation? Why does it matter and what should you focus on? This is a HUGE question you need to know! This week's interview gives all the details! Plus -- highly encourage you to check out #2 - the January Wellness Challenge with a Registered Dietitian so you can start the year off right! Because without good health, nothing else matters! Check it out!! 1) This week - Demand Gen vs. Lead Gen!
Helping us answer the question of Demand Gen vs Lead Gen is Vanessa Zangardi of Zangardi Studio! Vanessa is a business owner, a mom, a wife, and relentless in her pursuit of teaching and helping people understand marketing isn't scary - and that you can do it, no matter how big or small your business is.
We discuss:
What is Demand Gen and what is Lead Gen?
Demand gen as it relates to current marketing trends
Why is everyone talking about Content?
What content should people be focusing on?
How do we make creating content easier?
Content as it relates to demand gen and current marketing talk
Easy steps you can do to work on demand gen while creating impactful content
Listen now and SHARE IT! Episode #194 - Demand Gen vs Lead Gen
Be sure you are Subscribed so you don't miss an episode! Apple Google Spotify
2) NEW YEAR - NEW YOU! January Wellness Challenge!
Join Registered Dietitian and two-time Trade Show U guest, Brittany Liberatore of Your Life Nutrition on her exclusive January 2023 Wellness Challenge!
Includes daily challenges, 4 group coaching calls, and so much more!
Plus you're getting advice from a Registered Dietitian you can trust!
Click HERE for more info and to Join the Challenge!
3) Jim's Pro Trade Show Tip #170 - Pay Attention to Body Language
When talking with attendees, be sure to watch their body language at all times
When we are excited and talking about our business, product, or service, we can get so wrapped up in what we are saying that we can miss when an attendee has tuned out, looks confused, or may have a question
Be sure to pay attention so you don't miss clues to take your conversation to the next level!