Jim Cermak TradeShowU.biz
In this episode, 3 Amazing Guests join the conversation to share what they do to fill up the empty space and Energize and Engage attendees during the short breaks at Virtual and Online Events!
Guest 1 – Paul Miller and Dawn Daria of Flow Circus!
Paul, a nationally touring comedy juggler, and Dawn, an award-winning educator, and author, provide audiences with meaningful interactive experiences that are grounded in positive psychology, mindfulness, and play.
Flow Circus provides organizations with the playful tools and training they need to promote well-being, strengthen teams, and practice strategies to thrive in the messiness of learning, growth, and change.
For more information, visit www.FlowCircus.com
Guest 2 – Adam Pate of Speed Sketchers!
Adam Pate is the fastest caricature artist in the world. He draws people in about a minute per person and has done around 200+ Virtual shows since March. Adam also draws complex ideas for people at meetings to help explain and memorialize discussions and can teach basic caricature skills for team building
Adam can draw up to 20 people in about 20 minutes! I can also have a short conversation about products and services with an introduction if the individual is a good fit, or draw some things that relate to the individual and make it easier for someone to remember that person’s interests. I would meet with the organizer and discuss what their needs are and how to best serve them.
To find out more, visit www.speedsketchers.com or our Facebook page /speed sketches.
Guest 3 – Kristine Iverson of CROW Practice
Kristine Iverson is the Founder of Coordinated Response on Wellness or CROW Practice. We are a hub of wellness experts with over 15 options for breaks including Energy boosters, calming breath, office stretches, cooking, nutrition, immunity-boosting, quick fit mini’s, sound healing, gratitude breaks, and more!
For all the options and info, visit www.CrowPractice.com
About the author, Jim Jim Cermak has over 25 years of marketing, consulting, and training experience, and has planned and worked hundreds of Trade Shows. He gets a little overly excited about Trade Shows, and puts that passion into helping companies get better results!