There are 5 Do-not-miss Items for you in this email! It'll take you approximately 98 seconds to read the whole thing...and your ROI is worth it! 1) This week's episode!
Here are 5 More Trade Show Tips that Nobody tells you! They may go against the grain a bit, but when you hear them, they can be complete Game Changers for your next show! Why is nobody telling you these? I don't know, but I am! And I go in-depth into each of the powerful tips in the podcast! (1) Learn how and why to END a conversation
We’ve all been in those conversations that are going nowhere or are great but drag on way too long.
You need a quick and polite way to end the conversation so you can start talking with someone else! For every person you engage with, there can be multiple people that walk by your booth never to be seen again.
Come up with a quick statement that politely wraps up the conversation and ends on a positive note.
Then teach it to your team! Time is money, especially at a trade show!
And there are four more for you in the episode! Invest just 12-1/2 minutes (or less on a faster playback speed) to hear how you can incorporate them into your plan and achieve Wildly better results!
Click here ==>Ep. 157 - 5 MORE Tips NOBODY Tells You
2) New Quick Episode series coming! Excited to introduce Trade Show U's new episode series...
Perfect Pairings - Events, Food & Wine
Each 5-minute episode features food & wine expert Michael Green sharing tips and advice to make your events more fun, more memorable, generate more engagement, and make your brand last long after the event is over!
Be on the lookout for the first episode coming later this month! It's part of Trade Show University so you don't have to subscribe to a new podcast...just keep listening!
Subscribe to your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss an episode!
3) You didn't really miss any of these episodes, did you? Click below to listen!
- Ep 156 - Winning at Change & Transition in Your Career - with Gary Wilkin - Ep 155 - Social Audio is the Future! - with G. Mick Smith - Ep 154 - The Power of H2H Interaction - with Tim Simpson & Danny Hardman 4) Jim's Pro Trade Show Tip #147 - Book your Travel Far in Advance!
As soon as you have committed to being at a specific trade show or event, book your travel!
Prices for airlines, rental cars, and hotels continue to rise and getting those locked in as soon as you can save you money.
Plus, the earlier you book the better the selection of flight times, seats on the flight, and hotels closest to the venue.
5) Having an Expert review your Show Plan or Exhibit leads to more $$$ in your pocket!
A fresh and experienced set of eyes can spot small changes that can make a huge difference, plus can make suggestions from past successful shows.
Let's work together to Max Out your ROI!
Email jim@tradeshowu.biz or call me directly at 216-236-8867! Really - that number comes right to me!
To your Wildly Successful next event, Jim
Jim Cermak Host & Trade Show Coach jim@tradeshowu.biz
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About the author, Jim Jim Cermak has over 25 years of marketing, consulting, and training experience, and has planned and worked hundreds of Trade Shows. He gets a little overly excited about Trade Shows, and puts that passion into helping companies get better results!