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5 Blogging Errors You Should Avoid

Writer: Barb FerrignoBarb Ferrigno

Creating great blogs is a central element of content marketing. But there are some blogging errors to look out for that you should be sure to avoid.

Blogging is a crucial aspect of a digital marketing strategy. Attractive, authoritative blogs with good SEO, high-quality images, and copywriting that appeals right to the heart of the needs and wants of a target audience can go a long way to turning them into customers.

It can do this in several ways:

  • Firstly, it builds up awareness of you and your firm

  • It increases the chance that they will take actions to become marketing leads

  • By capturing their attention, they will keep on reading your blogs

  • Quality blogs that gain lots of attention will build up your authority, boosting your organic ranking on search engines

All this is an important part of your digital marketing strategy. It can complement other measures such as the use of PPC (to build up leads before your organic SEO authority is established), social media posts, and email marketing.

So far, so good. But there is a right way to go about blogging and many wrong ways to blog. The following are common, but avoidable errors.

1. Forgetting about your audience is the biggest blogging error

The ideal blog should focus closely on your buyer persona, an archetype of the characteristics of your ideal customer. This will include the following aspects:

  • Demographics such as age, sex, and geography

  • Situations such as marital status, career, or income

  • Most importantly, their needs and wants that you want to offer solutions for

However, it can be very easy for bloggers to lose sight of this. That could be through getting carried away with writing something that may seem very entertaining or stylish but doesn’t communicate to the target audience. Or it might happen because the correct buyer persona has not been identified, so the blog fails to reach the right targets.

All that means a great deal of effort could be wasted.

2. Sacrifice quality for quantity

It is certainly true that you need to blog a lot to be effective. But there is a right way to go about it.

The right way is to make sure you are regularly producing high-quality content, gradually building up your authority on search engines as you go along. In addition, producing numerous blogs makes it possible for those interested in what you are writing about to encounter your marketing messages several times.

The rule of seven – where the average person needs to see a marketing message seven times before they commit to a purchase – is particularly relevant here.

Where bloggers can go wrong is to think the solution is to produce as many blogs as they can write, churning out as many as they can in any given week.

In doing that, it can be too easy to sacrifice quality for quantity, which is pointless because if the blog is not interesting or attractive, it will not gain much readership and could lower your authority on search engines. Sometimes, as the saying goes, “less is more”. So, focusing just on quantity is one of the most important blogging errors.

3. Not having a schedule

The best way to make sure you produce the right amount of content and post it at the right times is to have a schedule. Whether it is on a weekly or monthly basis, draw up a calendar and plan what you are writing and when.

This has various advantages:

  • Your content is regular: You are not writing lots one week and nothing the next

  • You can produce a series of blogs on a theme over time to maintain reader interest

  • You keep a record of what you are writing so that you avoid duplicating topics

  • Your blogging can fit in with the rest of your marketing schedule

By not having a schedule, you can end up writing in a very unplanned, haphazard way that undermines your overall digital marketing strategy, while your readers have no idea when your next article might appear.

4. Neglect backlinks SEO is essential to your blogs and most people will have realised that they need to have good keywords in them to help optimize the blogs and ensure the highest possible ranking.

Many will also be aware of the value that good images can add, with video also being extremely useful, while authority is very important in helping raise a ranking.

However, one element of SEO that can easily be overlooked is that of backlinks.

Good backlinks are hyperlinks in the text that will add value for the reader by connecting them to further information provided by outside sources.

Ideally, these should be:

  • Reliable and authoritative

  • Sites that have a lot of traffic, with hundreds of thousands of hits, if not millions

  • The backlinked article title matches or is synonymous with the linked text in your article

  • Opening in a new window so readers are not steered away from your blog

There are a number of major blogging errors that can be made using backlinks.

  • Using backlinks with low traffic, poor quality, or a lack of reliability

  • Broken or toxic links

  • Linking to one of your rivals, who will be delighted with the free publicity

  • Reciprocal links – sites used to be able to link back to each other and improve their rankings, but search engine algorithms now penalise this

  • Overdoing it – ideally, half a dozen backlinks or less should appear in your article, or readers may be distracted from it

  • Not using backlinks at all and thus missing out on their benefits

5. Fail to update blogs The need to avoid broken backlinks can be met by going back to your existing blogs and updating them every so often.

Other things you may need to change include:

  • Altering bits of the text to bring them up to date, such as a section referring to an event in the present tense when it was written that has now come and gone

  • Including new information that is relevant

  • Tweaking content because your buyer persona has changed.

Often people forget that their content stays out there on the web permanently. By allowing it to go stale instead of updating and refreshing it, you lose the benefits of it. That’s why it is important to keep track of your old blogs and look after them. Otherwise, the content can include outdated information and it will be a blogging error which you should avoid. If you can’t update it, you can also think about deleting or redirecting it.



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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

We are passionate about our marketing. We've seen it all in our 46 years - companies come and go but the businesses that are consistent, steady, and have a goal are the companies that succeed. We work with you to keep you on track, change with new technologies and business strategies, and, most importantly, help you to succeed. It's not always easy, and it's a lot of hard work but the rewards are well worth the effort. 

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